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Welcome to the McMaster Chem-E-Car Team!

This is the official website for the Chem-E-Car team at McMaster University. On McMaster Chem-E-Car, students will design, build, test, and troubleshoot a chemical-fueled car that must move to a specific unknown distance announced the day of the competition. Each year the team competes at Regionals in their respective school bracket and have the opportunity to advance to the Annual National Chem-E-Car Competition (ASC), coordinated by the American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE).

The team runs primarily under the supervision of the Chemical Engineering faculty but is open to all undergraduate engineering streams at McMaster University. We pride ourselves on our team's diversity and achievements, and we promote school spirit and a sense of community. Please take a look through our website to learn more about who we are and what we do!


The goal of this competition is to chemically power a car to a line set at a known distance from the starting point while carrying a certain amount of water. This car must be able to fit into a shoe box when disassembled and must be solely powered via chemical reaction. The team with the car that stops closest to the chosen distance wins! For more about the competition, click here.


Our team is divided into four subteams: Propulsion, Braking, Mechanical, and Circuitry. Hover over each subteam to learn more about its role and responsibilities!

Circuitry Team 

  • Automate the starting and stopping mechanisms of the car​

  • Code and wire the car to log data

  • Design a sensor system that samples chemical reactions to assist with the stopping mechanism

Mechanical Team 

  • Design and build the body of the car that holds and transports the reaction

  • Organize the car's reaction, power, controller, and wiring components

  • Maintain the car's physical stability and performance 

Propulsion Team 

  • Design the sole chemical energy source that will adequately power the car (battery, fuel cell, combustion engine)

  • Thoroughly test and develop a chemical reaction must be simple, quick to assemble, and safe

Braking Team 

  • Design and implement a chemical-based stopping mechanism for the car.​​

  • Calculating a calibration curve and equation that will translate to using exact concentrations for competition day

  • Just competed in the Chem E Car competition at the 2024 AICHE North Central Student Regional Conference

  • Preparing for the next Chem E Car competition 


We are currently recruiting for executive members. Fill out this application to apply! 

Contact us for more information!

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